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Hits:1549 2011-11-24
(NAPSI)—In this fast-paced world, it’s often a struggle finding time to make healthy and satisfying meals every night of the week. As work days grow longer and commitments become more abundant, many Americans resort to the convenience of a drive-through window or the pizza delivery boy, unaware of the superior options found in the freezer aisle of their local supermarket.
Popular culture often implies that frozen meals (aka, “TV dinners”) are lowly and only acceptable as a last resort. But the frozen food aisle has evolved—along with Americans’ taste buds—and no longer has to carry the stigma of overprocessed, high-fat, carb-heavy food to which it is so often intrinsically linked.
Admittedly, unhealthy options still linger in the frozen food aisle. Many brands rely on fancy packaging and delicately chosen adjectives to create the illusion of a healthy meal. Some also contain disguised ingredients and additives that mask flavor and taste in order to make the food last longer on the shelf and look better out of the box, all the while compromising on taste and nutrition.
However, savvy consumers can find many nutritious and satisfying meals that rival homemade creations. The trick is to know what to look for. Here are some quick and easy tips to help you navigate the frozen food aisle:
• When reading the ingredient labels, avoid words like “phosphates,” “modified” and “chloride,” as well as additives like “gums.”
• Look for ingredient labels that contain primarily natural, easily recognizable ingredients.
• Check the expiration date on each meal purchased, and on the meals that may have been forgotten in the back of the home freezer.
• Pay attention to the portion sizes listed on the nutritional label. What looks like one serving may turn out to be two or three servings.
A few brands stand out from the pack, using fresh and natural ingredients instead of excessive preservatives and fillers. Family-owned and operated Michael Angelo’s Gourmet Foods doesn’t use any fillers, artificial flavors or unnatural chemical additives. The company pledges to use only real and wholesome ingredients to make great-tasting authentic Italian meals, ready to serve in just a matter of minutes with the push of a microwave button.
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